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PCB Layout software, Schematic Capture software, Printed Circuit Board design software


Draftcad Deluxe V3.1c (Win) Update (for Windows version only)

V3.1c provides fixes, affecting printing and RS-274X exports of component outline layers, the Schematic Symbol and Component Pinout editors, and other minor issues.

To update from Version 3.x (Win) to Version 3.1c (Win), download the zip archive and extract it to a temporary directory. Run the DcUpdate.exe program and follow the prompts to install the update.

DcV31c(Win)Update.zip (701KB)

Draftcad Deluxe V3.1 (DPMI/DOS) Update (for V3.x DPMI only)

V3.1 provides fixes and enhancements, including an option to force friendlier RS-274X files for board houses that don't like composite photoplot files.

To update from Version 3.x (DPMI) to Version 3.1 (DPMI), download the self extracting archive and place it in the directory containing your V3.x DRAFTCAD.EXE file. Decompress the archive (by running UPDATE31.EXE), and run the DCUPDATE.EXE program.


Draftcad Deluxe V2.2g Update (for V2.x only)

V2.2g includes fixes and enhancements. These include customisable Netlist and Unrouted PCB Net Report Exports, and more flexibility in modifying Bus-lines. The update includes a PRINTDRV.DLL file with support for the BJ7000 printer (released with V2.1).

To update from Version 2.x to Version 2.2g, download the self extracting archive and place it in the directory containing your current DRAFTCAD.EXE file. Decompress the archive (by running UPDAT22G.EXE), and run the DCUPDATE.EXE program.